The Mittelbayerische writes on November 22nd. 2016 about the Miss Mermaid Germany.

The Stern writes on 27th October 2016 about the mermaiding and the development of Magictail.

Brikada writes on the 5th November 2016 about the Miss Mermaid World 2016.

Le Telegramme, writes on the 28th October 2016 about the Miss Mermaid International 2016.

On October 5, 2016, Kika Live broadcast a program for the "First German Mermaid's Championship".

The Badische Zeitung writes on August 3. 2016 about our mermaid costume production.

The SHZ writes on October 8.2015 about the German "Miss Mermaid 2015" winner.

Even professional water sports enthusiasts Janni Hönscheid, the best surfer of Germany (2013), is a Magictail- mermaid!
On 04 September 2015 Janni Hönscheid was as a mermaid in the NDR Talk Show.
